Booze Or No Booze – Are Photographers Allowed To Drink On The Job?

Booze Or No Booze - Are Photographers Allowed To Drink On The Job?

[PHOTOGRAPHERS] Read About These Personal Experiences And Share Your Thoughts On This!

Unless you are a wine tasting expert and you get paid to “have a sip” it’s commonly disapproved to drink on the job. But what if you’re a photographer – a wedding or an event photographer to be exact? It’s only a matter of time before someone at the reception offers you a beer or a glass of wine. Should you accept it? Would you?

This is a pretty touchy subject, both for photographers and the people offering us those drinks. If I don’t have one, will they think I’m rude or uptight? How does that affect the way they see me, and will that show in the photos I’m taking of them? On the other hand, if I accept the drink and people see me hanging around with a beer, they might think I have a problem or that I’m not very professional.



Obviously, this is a question that may not have a right or a wrong answer. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this one, please share in the comments below.

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