5 Habits That Prevent You From Becoming A Better Photographer

4 Habits That Prevent You From Becoming A Better Photographer

[BEWARE PHOTOGRAPHERS] Chances Are You Don’t Even Realize You’re Doing These Things

It’s funny about habits – we have all these routines, whether good or bad, and we may not even realize they’ve become habits until they are either helping us reach our goals or preventing us from moving forward. In my personal opinion, when it comes to photography your habits define whether you’re going to fail or succeed.

What do I mean by saying that? Let me explain. If you have a habit of only bringing your camera when you’ve scheduled a photoshoot, you’ll end up getting stuck with a certain kind of routine that can block your creativity. Instead, if you decide to make it a habit to take your camera with you anywhere and everywhere you go (even if you’re only going to the nearby store), you’ll find yourself taking a lot more pictures. Quite often those are the kind of shots you wouldn’t have thought of, if you hadn’t had your camera with you at that exact moment.


So, what are the most dangerous bad habits for a photographer who wants to get better? The following article will give you four examples. If you recognize yourself in these, try and shake these habits as soon as you can – it will help you improve your photography.

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