[WARNING] You’re Probably Doing These Things Without Even Realizing It
When you are running your own photography business it’s easy to start overlooking certain things. This is a surprisingly common mistake among photographers and, unfortunately, can seriously affect their work. Make sure you have taken these things into consideration to stay successful.
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these are all good insights. interestingly, though, when I first saw the headline, I thought, “here’s some techinical stuff I should know about.” That just speaks to how we all can sometimes focus on the technical when downplaing the business of photogrpahy.
Once a new photographer begins to have confidence in their work, and in themselves, they can and will start to respect their own judgement and be able to stand firm against a client, say no to jobs they don’t (won’t) enjoy, and yes, even continue to learn and improve.
Just shoot! Work is work. And of course, don’t accept it if you don’t want the work. If it doesn’t interest you, you should not be doing it. Even for the money. There are a lot of other businesses you can do to be in business. Photographing should lead you to more photographing. If it doesn’t? Then you don’t have a career. You have a hobby.
I have been studying photography for about 50 years and learn new things all the time. I started when I was about 7 years old with a brownie reflex and graduated to a Kodak Pony. I’ve sold equipment and trained photographers , I’ve even outfitted people to go on photo safari’s in Africa and to photograph solar eclipses. The most thrilling part for me is learning something new and then teaching it to someone else. When I took my first computer class in 1970, I asked my teacher how can I put a picture in a computer. He told me that wasn’t computers were for, they were for doing complicated math formulas. I wish I could send him a link.
I refused to do any more wedding work 30 yrs. ago When everybody’s uncles and in-laws were bringing their damn video cameras getting in front of me, just when I had the best church pose I could get! 15 people In the party, I just kept shooting because I new I would get easy candid shots at the reception, successfully! That, and everybody thinks the photographer needs to accept the multitudes of drinks they tell the barkeeps to get the photographer one “on me”! Woof.
My friend in D.C. makes the Bride and Groom to sign paperwork that somehow states that their family and friends will not be allowed to take pictures during the ceremony, as they have hired a professional to take the pictures. It is hard to shoot through Uncle Bob and Aunt Sandra when they are standing up in front of you with their iPad!
A long time ago I learned to do business as described in the article.
One thing many photographers do, both professional and amateur is, sooner or later, they veer away from their passion, and begin shooting things they are less passionate about. The results are always the same – substandard results – at least substandard compared to the photographs they are passionate about. The more passion one has for their work, the easier it is to sell it. One of the best things I have learned is never take a job I am less than passionate about. The other points in this article are noteworthy and should be forefront in the photography business mindset, but not overshadowing passion.