10 Quick Fixes For Photographers In A Creative Rut

10 Quick Fixes For Photographers In A Creative Rut

Following These Tips Made All The Difference In My Photography

It happens to the best of photographers; you have an important shoot coming up and suddenly you’re all out of ideas. Nothing. Nada. Blank! You can’t force it but there are plenty of ways to boost your imagination again.

One of my favorite ways to get out of a creative rut is to participate in a daily photo challenge. When you have a list of prompts you need to follow every single day, it makes you think outside the box to capture an image that fits into the theme you’ve been given. But there are also other ways to “get back on the horse again”.


The following article is great for anyone who feels like they need more inspiration for their photography. These tips work just as well for beginners as they do for more experienced photographers.

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