How To Set Up Your Camera For Pin Sharp Photos

How To Set Up Your Camera For Pin Sharp Landscape Photos

Learn To Use This Camera Setting For Uber Sharp Images

Does it bother you when you sit down to edit your landscapes and they just don’t seem quite as sharp as you think they should be? It’s frustrating to see these tack sharp images on photo sites like 500px and not be able to achieve that same level of sharpness.

Many beginning or even advanced photographers seem to think if you have your DSLR on a tripod, your images will be as sharp as they get. And after seeing them on the computer screen they start to think there must be something wrong with either the camera body or the lens they were using. That may not be the case at all.



If you start using this camera setting you will probably get that extra level of sharpness you’ve been looking for.


You realize of course, if you’re talking bout 500px, those images are going to have to be resized for the web in which case “tack sharp” isn’t as much an issue anymore since you would be downsampling a bit. If the capture is so extremely soft and blurry that you can’t get decent sharpness from downsampling, then you have other problems to deal with.

I use the lockup and a cable release or the timer and have had great results. Always keep in mind however that besides keeping your camera perfectly still, your subject has to be perfectly still as well. If you have a slow shutter speed and some leaves on a tree move or anything else, you will get blurring.

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