This Is The Device Photographers Have Been Waiting For

This Is The Device Photographers Have Been Waiting For

How To Make Your Life Easier On Location Of The Photoshoot

There’s one thing about digital photography that I always struggle with. It’s trying to keep all the digital images safe, as well as trying to have enough space for all of them.

It’s not a problem when I’m at home and I can transfer the images to my external hard drives. But when you’re out there, possibly traveling to another city or even another country to capture images, you need to come up with a system that works.

I don’t really trust my memory cards that much – I’ve had a couple of issues where I lost some important images due to a memory card failure, so I would rather use something else to store my photos.

I also don’t want to carry my laptop and external hard drives everywhere I go. I often photograph in places that are pretty hard to get to, even when you’re only carrying the absolutely necessary gear.


There is a new device coming up that could solve all these problems and make a traveling photographer’s life much easier.


So what’s new. I’ve had a Flashtrax for so long it’s had to have a new rechargeable battery three times!

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