Professional Photographers Violently Robbed In Broad Daylight

Professional Photographers Violently Robbed In Broad Daylight

Later on these photographers found out there have been similar robberies in the same area lately.

Always try and carry your gear in unnoticeable bags and avoid handling them out in the open, especially if you are alone. Be aware of your surroundings and park your car as close to your shooting location as possible, to avoid having to carry the equipment for long distances.

Gear that was lost included a Canon 5D Mark III (SN 192129000959), a Canon 5D Mark II (SN 1421011279), a Canon 24-70mm II (SN [21]1360003294), a Canon 70-200mm (SN 222944), a camera grip, a “very distinctive” Black Rapid camera strap with floral patterns, a 64GB SD card, and an 8GB CF card.

Natalie says that she and Andrew were attacked by two black males in their early 20s as the photographers were unloading equipment after a morning photo shoot.

“I am in need of your help in finding my camera gear. There will be a reward and no questions asked if returned.”

“My friend got pepper sprayed and he suffered immense pain for the next hour and half. I was pushed and choked against the garage. We both lost our cameras and gear. Photography is our livelihood and we are heartbroken that this happened.”

Read the full article over at PetaPixel.

Source: PetaPixel


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