What I really like about this cheat sheet is how it helps you understand the effects that the three different controls will have. Remember ISO controls how sensitive your camera sensor it. Raising the sensitivity of your sensor can introduce noise into your images. Aperture controls the range of focus so you can have a blurred background or foreground or everything can be totally crisp. Finally shutter speed controls the freezing of motion.
How To Understand ISO, Aperture And, Shutter Speed WITH Bonus Cheat Sheet

That’s handy!
That’s handy!
Very handy and easy
Very handy and easy
Kate Mitchell….I haven’t watched it yet though
Kate Mitchell….I haven’t watched it yet though
Alyce D’Amato Licari check this out.
Thanks Judy – very informative. I already feel like I am armed with better info!
Susan Trinh
Rachel Wilson
useful stuff of photobuffs like: Rajnish Sapra, Swapnil Ballal, Paritosh Saraswat, Vishnu Nath etc
better still are the YouTube videos
Karen, chk it out
Thank you so much. I am beginning to understand my camera.
Evely Villablanca
Thank you! ?
Alice Mason!
The Exposure Triangle… my advice to newbies… DON’T BOTHER WITH IT!
Click bait.
Lisa Neal Sanders
Michelle Alksne
Film was easier. Set the ISO one time for each film and live with it.
The Only Three Things that ANY photographer needs to Know about the working of ANY camera. = That and how each play a part in the capturing of ANY image.
This is the best i could find to Start my New Year 2016 !!!
Barbara Comiskey you might like this page
“Whether we have lots of things and focus or just the subject in focus. The exposure triangle controls it all.”
In English?
the top image is interesting. the larger ap opening/ smaller ap# is actually at the center which to me would indicate that it was a smaller opening.