Hidden DSLR Setting Produces Amazing Special Effects

Hidden DSLR Setting Produces Amazing Special Effects

How I Use A Simple Camera Setting To Get Images In Camera People Would Swear I Created Using Photoshop

You’ve probably seen one of these images before and thought that someone created it in Photoshop. It can also be used to create ghost images of moving people. It can also be used to create cotton candy water effects in landscape photos.



Um, no, no he doesn’t. Multiple Exposure has nothing to do with manual mode. You can do the same in “auto” with a film camera just not advance the film before taking the next shot. Commonly called Double Exposed by us PHOTOGRAPHERS who know a thing or two and have a ton of experience because we started on film cameras. You sir, lack that experience.

If your camera can’t take multiple exposures (ie double exposure), do as he says (you will be left with several images) and combine them using smart object stack modes in Photoshop. I do alot of waterfalls this way because I don’t like the color cast given out by many ND filters on the market. At least until I get a pricey high end ND.

60D says no! Not feeling the love! But what about bracketting and combining in Photomatix? HDR anyone? I’ve been doing that for years! Door closed, window open!

If only multiple exposure would save each layer individually too.. since it doesn’t I’d still rather use Photoshop for the effect because when I’ve played with multiple exposure, there’s usually at least one layer that works equally well on its own, but it’s trapped inside multiple layers

Jason I’m not sure what camera you have and I don’t know about other cameras but I do know my camera words is a 7D Mark III (Canon) will save individual pictures as well as the composite. But frankly I still think you’re better off just doing it in Photoshop because you have a lot more control of the outcome.

It’s actually a time saver. Many call this HDR. It wasn’t that long ago that even photoshop didn’t have this feature, and you had to buy a different software to do the same thing, but you manually had to take at least 3 shots with different exposure levels, and try not to move the camera at the same time. Now it does it automatically and takes the number of exposures you want and blend them together. In photoshop, you’d still have to manually take 3 photos at different exposures, download off the camera, then have photoshop blend the three together. Same results, but I like easy.

I understand how it works , but I was merely referencing the article saying it wasnt photoshopped , thus indicating it wasnt done via software , however it was done via in camera software. You just have no control over it like you do in editing 🙂

My Canon 70D has this feature and it is far from being hidden. I perfer to use bracketing and then edit because it gives me more control over the image. If you want a killer HDR use a 3 or 6 shot bracket at 1/2 or 1/3 and use Photomatix.

Why is HDR still a thing? Ranks right up there with selective colour. Properly expose a portrait or a scene, and f*cking END IT. Let your work be clean and simple and timeless. All my opinion, obviously. Take it or leave it.

Lot of things to try there, but they didn’t show the button or setting. Such is life on a silver platter, once I figure out how I ought where and how to use, I ought to be able to at least produce some decent newbie shots, next assignment coming up… 😉

Thanks, normally always triple proof read, but this one got under the wire somehow, I see. Should have read “once I figure out where and how to use, I ought to be able to at least produce some decent newbie shots”… Fun night last night 😉 Thanks

my canon rebel t5 can’t do this but i can take different pics at different exposures and then use photoshop to get similar results

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