4 Common Outdoor Photography Mistakes – And How To Avoid Them

4 Common Mistakes In Travel & Landscape Photos - And How To Avoid Them

Melo Villareal at Out of Town Blog will show you four things to think about when shooting landscapes during your travels.

After trial and error I’ve learned to avoid mistake #1 but there’s always room for improvement. Making a mental note of these 4 things will take you a long way.

Photography with landscape as the focus has been growing in popularity and is a favorite among the enthusiastic photographers, both veteran and newbie. There are many beautiful photos out there to be sure. However, there are some common mistakes that are often made; these can easily corrected, thankfully.

Horizons That Are Crooked

At times when taking a photograph that has a long stretching horizon line, it may appear uneven, crooked, or down-right curved. The reason for this can be as simple as the way nature is- bent tree branches, jagged rocks, curving shorelines, and hills and mountains. These elements can create the illusion of a crooked or slanted horizon. It is important to keep these elements of a nature shot in mind and to adjust for them to ensure the horizon is indeed straight when you finally snap that photo. This is easily achieved by paying attention to the hold you have on the camera and the angle and tilt of the camera as you get the right perspective either one side to the other or tilted a little more towards the front or back of the camera.

Making sure the horizon in your photos is straight is of great importance because while certain elements such as trees, fences and rocks can be crooked, when the horizon is not level it can destroy the impact of the photo. It can be a challenge to ensure a level horizon, but as with many other things in life practice makes perfect!

Editing can solve slight problems in horizon alignment by simply using the rotating tool and doing some selective cropping with a digital photo program. Whether you use an expensive program like Photoshop or a free program like GIMP, the wonders of technology can make correcting these minor issues much easier and less stressful.

Read the full article over at Out of Town Blog.

Source: Out of Town Blog


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