This Camera Accessory Will Make All The Difference In Your Photography

This Camera Accessory Will Make All The Difference In Your Photography

How To Choose The Right Kind That Will Outlast Your Camera

When I shot my first wedding, I was totally exhausted and literally in pain after the day. Don’t get me wrong – it was a beautiful and fun event, and I enjoyed photographing it.

I had two of my Canon camera bodies with me, the heavier one with a 70-200mm lens and a smaller body that I used with a wide-angle and a lighter zoom lens.

It probably only took me about a half an hour to realize what I was missing. There was nothing wrong with the cameras I was using, and the lenses were perfect for the different locations I was shooting at – the church, the outdoor area for portraits and the small and intimate reception venue.

My flash, reflectors and tripod were and still are fine for my needs, and I had even done enough research so that I knew I should wear extra comfortable shoes.


But when those first 30 minutes had gone by, it was obvious to me that I needed to order some camera accessories I didn’t even know I was missing.

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