Sports Illustrated Cuts Their Last 6 Staff Photographers Right Before Superbowl Sunday


The exact dates of the layoffs will depend upon the contracts in place with each photographer.
The last 6 remaining photographers are:

  1. Robert Beck
  2. Simon Bruty
  3. Bill Frakes
  4. David E. Klutho
  5. John W. McDonough
  6. Al Tielemans 

In an article over at News Photographer Magazine the director of photography for Sports Illustrated confirmed it was true.

“It’s true,” Smith said. “There was a decision made through the company to restructure various departments, including at Sports Illustrated. Unfortunately economic circumstances are such that it has cut the six staff photographers.”

According to a source at Time-Life the layoffs will be effective in March, possibly on differing dates for specific photographers due to their individual agreements with the company. But because of this, the laid-off photographers will still be shooting the upcoming Super Bowl together for the magazine.

Smith said the plan going forward is “to re-evaluate what’s best for the magazine, not just financially but also content-wise. Our commitment to photography is as strong as ever, and we will continue to create the best original content possible.”

You can read the rest of this article over at NPPA

Source: NPPA

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